Ravish Kumar's Earnings From YouTube Channel

Ravish Kumar reportedly earned 4-5 Cr a year at NDTV. His newly launched YouTube channel is doing 38M views/month with 7M subs. At $1 per 1000 views, that's about $40K a month, or $480K a year.

Ravish Kumar's Earnings From YouTube Channel

Ravish Kumar's Earnings From YouTube Channel

However, it's important to note that YouTube earnings can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the type of content, the channel's audience, and the overall state of the advertising market. So, it's difficult to say for sure how much Ravish Kumar is actually earning from his YouTube channel.

Ravish Kumar YouTube Channel Analytics:

Ravish Kumar's YouTube channel has 5.17 million subscribers and 380 million views as of August 4, 2023. His channel is growing rapidly, with over 1 million new subscribers in the past year. His most popular videos are interviews with politicians and activists, as well as news and commentary videos.

Kumar's channel is very popular with Indian viewers, with over 90% of his views coming from India. However, his channel is also growing in popularity with international viewers, with over 10% of his views coming from outside of India.

Kumar's channel is a valuable source of news and information for many people. His videos are well-produced and informative, and he often provides a unique perspective on current events.

Ravish Kumar's YouTube channel analytics:

  1. His average view count per video is over 700,000.
  2. His average watch time per video is over 5 minutes.
  3. His audience is primarily male (65%) and aged 25-34 (45%).
  4. His top countries are India (90%), the United States (5%), and the United Kingdom (2%).

Overall, Ravish Kumar's YouTube channel is a very successful and influential channel. It is a valuable source of news and information for many people, and it is likely to continue to grow in popularity in the future.

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