How Much is Ravish Kumar's Salary?

Ravish Kumar's salary is estimated to be around 4-5 crores per year. This is based on reports from various sources, including LinkedIn and Paycheck. in. However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate, and his actual salary may be higher or lower. 

How Much is Ravish Kumar's Salary?



Kumar is one of the most respected and popular journalists in India. He is known for his fearless reporting and his commitment to speaking truth to power. He has won numerous awards for his work, including the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Journalism, Literature, and Creative Communication Arts in 2019. 



In addition to his salary, Kumar also earns income from other sources, such as book sales and speaking engagements. He is a highly sought-after speaker, and he regularly delivers lectures and talks on a variety of topics, including journalism, media ethics, and social justice. 



Ravish Kumar Net Worth:

Ravish Kumar's net worth is estimated to be around 10-15 crores INR. This is based on his annual salary, which is estimated to be around 4-5 crores INR, as well as his income from other sources, such as book sales and speaking engagements. 



Kumar is known for his humble lifestyle, and he has often spoken out against the growing materialism and consumerism in Indian society. In an interview, he said, "I am not interested in accumulating wealth. I am happy with what I have." 



Kumar is a respected journalist and author, and his work has had a significant impact on Indian society. He is a role model for many young journalists, and he continues to inspire people with his commitment to truth and justice. 

Frequently Ask Questions:

What is Ravish Kumar's monthly salary?

Ravish Kumar's monthly salary is not publicly disclosed, but it is estimated to be around 5 crores per year. This is based on the salaries of other senior journalists at NDTV and other news channels in India.



How does Ravish Kumar's salary compare to other journalists in India?

Ravish Kumar is one of the highest-paid journalists in India. His salary is significantly higher than the average salary of a journalist in India, which is around 40,000 rupees per month.



What are the factors that affect Ravish Kumar's salary?

Ravish Kumar's salary is affected by a number of factors, including his experience, popularity, and the value he brings to NDTV. He is one of the most popular and respected journalists in India, and his programs have high ratings. This means that he is a valuable asset to NDTV and can command a high salary.

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